Not Open for Commentary....
Today is the perfect day for this post. As women are marching in solidarity for all women everywhere. I am there in spirit. You see this is something that has been sitting on my heart for awhile. I was offended by a comment recently. I was even more so upset with how I reacted by allowing the comment to belittle me.
THIS WAS THE PICTURE.. you may need to zoom smh!
So heres what happened, I posted a picture on my story promoting my friends clothing line. I even had lines pointing to the pants to HIGHLIGHT the jeans. They were tight & high waist jeans (not that it matters). I received a comment from a male where he pointed out my vagina print aka my camel toe, which I personally didn’t even notice. “Get that outta here.” As if I had posted the picture thinking "ahhh, yes my vagina print is showing..Perfect” ::eyerolls::. I felt kind of disgusting for a min, I was wondering if everyone else was looking at the same thing. SO, I took the photo down, not for him but to avoid any more comments. I quickly regretted that action. Why did I allow the comment to make me feel so little over my OWN FUCKING body? Frankly, IT’S NOT YOUR VAGINA TO WORRY ABOUT.
It’s not like I pulled my pants up so they purposely showed a camel toe for attention. Going on a brief tangent, lets think about this. Camel toe=Vagina? What in the world. How does my vagina or anyone's vagina equate to a camel? OBJECTIFYING my vagina and turning it into an animal, inferior to humans. Often times women are referred to as animals which undermines women's value and is insulting. Think about it "chicks, bitch, catty, etc". These terms all undermine the value of whoever is being called it.
Anyways, back on to the story... I hadn't even noticed it until I ZOOMED in. And it really wasn’t even bad (not that I even owe an explanation) nor was it his problem to be worried about my vagina.
I’m tired of being made uncomfortable with how I was made. Women and their bodies are always being shamed, objectified, sexualized you name it. We are cat called. We are shamed for breast feeding in public (DON'T GET ME STARTED). We are expected to look a certain way and present ourself in a certain way so that it makes OTHER people feel comfortable.
I remember when I was in college studying Women’s studies, we talked a lot about body shaming, of course! In regards to our vagina, since thats the topic on hand, I found it interesting how there was so much pressure for women to have “perfect vaginas”. I don’t even know what a perfect vagina looks like but I DO KNOW everyone should feel comfortable with what their vagina looks like. Women are undergoing surgery to cut their labia or form their vagina to look like a porn star vagina. Women feel ashamed for their vaginas. This expectation is not reality. Vaginas come in all shapes and sizes. Big vaginas. Small vaginas. Big labia, small labia. Big clits, small clits. Tucked clits. End of the day its a vagina. It’s not yours. It’s ours. It’s mine. SO keep your comments to yourself.
When you see a woman don’t cat call her. Don’t judge her for how her vagina looks. Dont judge her for her body period. Dont judge her for her acne. Dont judge her because of her hair. Dont judge her for her skin color. Don’t judge her whatsoever. Love on her, Because she probably needs it. Respect her because she deserves it. Whatever you do keep your opinions out Our vagina, MY Vagina!
Ladies, I encourage you to take a moment and look at your vagina. Get familiar with it. (If you already haven’t). Pay attention to your cycle. Pay attention to your scent. Pay attention to everything that comes along with your vagina. Get comfortable with it. Get familiar. Find appreciation for all the amazing things your vagina is capable of doing. There is nothing more powerful than a woman who knows how much power she holds! Never let anyone make you feel less than because of your vagina. Your body! YOUR TEMPLE
Jordan Olivia