A Revealing moment
(1) : a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something
(2) : an intuitive grasp of reality through something (such as an event) usually simple and striking
(3) : an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure
b : a revealing scene or moment”
In life, we expand then we contract, and this process is forever unfolding. We are constantly changing. We are constantly transforming. In growth, we can get complacent at times. Possibly without even realizing it. Think about it, things suck we start doing the work to get to where we want to be and then we get there, now what? We either continue to unfold and develop a new direction forward or we get COMFORTABLE. Sometimes, when we become comfortable, we won’t notice it until things begin to spiral out of control again. I think these moments are needed at times because they are reminders of what we had done to get to that comfortable place and reminder to get uncomfortable. I remember my life at one point feeling uncontrollable and spiraling out of control, really just completely lost. In my case, my kids redirected me. They made me realize that in order to be a good parent, to give them the tools they need for life, I needed to get my shit together. There the work began. Growing leaps and bounds. Doing so much self-work, reflection, transforming. But for those of you who know already, spiritual growth is like a spiraling line, it isn’t just straight forward. I learned this theory in nursing school, but it can apply to life.
Looking at the line we start off moving forward and we ultimately spiral towards a higher level of organization in life. SO, we are on this journey of discovery, we hit highs and we hit fucking rock bottom. Eventually, we spiral upwards and our baseline is now at a higher level of consciousness than before. Ok, going back to my growth, I hit a plateau. I felt good. Life was going well, yes, I had highs and lows, but my goals were unfolding. I felt like despite my emotional variability, I was able to stay aware and not be CONTROLLED by those emotions (this is key, because emotions are normal, it’s how we react to them, right). I wasn’t doing the work to keep growing anymore. Or more so, I wasn’t being consistent with that work. I was maintaining. I wasn’t checking in everyday and I was slowly engaging in numbing behaviors. It was in that moment I recognized those patterns that I had before. And what is it we do when we get comfortable, we spiral back into bad habits, that’s why they are there. So, I got back on my shit. Journaling mainly but, talking to my people who I am safe with, inconsistently meditating, yoga, dancing, music, doing all the things that make me feel whole. It was in that space I had this huge epiphany, that is driving me to that next level of consciousness. Because I was struggling with myself being consistent and I was struggling with that feeling of being alone (my insecurity).
How can I expect anything from anyone else when I can’t even do it for myself? In particular, commitment and love. If I am not loving myself. Committing to myself, how can I expect it from someone else. Even more so, how can I even know what I am asking for. What is my expectation of commitment, when I am not even sure how to give it to myself. Not to mention, how can someone love me when I don’t even know how to truly love myself? It was clear as day. Commitment was never anyone other than my own to give myself. Love was never anyone else’s job to give me but my own. I mean I knew this right? But saying it out loud, writing it out, actually feeling it. That realization was like a weight lifted up off of me. You know when you get this fiery gut confirming answer, this was it. Left and right I was affirmed that this, this is the truth I needed to realize. Regardless of the relationship this realization helps set grounds and most importantly, BOUNDARIES.
I recently did a past life regression session, which if you don’t know what it is look it up! Pretty fascinating. Bu,t in the midst of the session I kept getting stuck. SO, which started as a regression turned into a healing session. Without much background of the experience, during the session my friend Dusty was there in spirit, who was mainly guiding me during the session, she brought me to my high school self, a place of lots of confusion and disconnect. In that moment I felt the urge to tell myself, all that I ever needed was myself. Instantly I felt lighter. I was blown away. Then left and right I kept getting so many reminders that I needed to turn in. I got my cards read and what did it say, I needed to set my foundation and turn in. To love myself. To choose me. I don’t think I was not loving myself, but I wasn’t being fully committed. I was inconsistent and when I wanted to numb out I did. I was detaching from my body and not dealing. It had nothing to do with anyone else but me. My friends couldn’t help me. A boo couldn’t help me. ONLY ME!
So, what inspired this post on top of everything else I just wrote up there was a quote from The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. “It is we who nourish the Soul of the world, and the world we live in will be either better or worse. And that’s where the power of love comes in. Because when we love, we always strive to become better than we are.” Truly gave me chills. Love. It truly is the answer. I don’t know what your truth is. I don’t know what you need in life. But I do know when we choose to love ourselves we are ALWAYS winning! We continue to be better in love. And when we focus on loving ourselves it affects those around us. It’s contagious. I can’t tell you how many times when I’m really loving on myself how much more I’m vibrating higher and people notice it! People acknowledge it, because they can feel the energy. SO, I hope that after you read this you love on yourself a little more! Tell yourself every single day I LOVE YOU. I SEE YOU. I HEAR YOU. I FEEL YOU!
Jordan Olivia