The truth is I hate about me sections. Im on this journey continually discovering who Jordan is. Im constantly evolving and unlayering on my passions. So, when it comes to these ABOUT me sections, its hard to box who I am in a few words. Needless to say there are some things about me that won't change. I am a mother of two beautiful boys who are my world. They inspire me to continue being the best version of myself every single day. Frankly, a lot of who I am is because of them. I love to dream and explore new things. I am a professional procrastinator but I work Hard! I love to love and I love hard.

I started my site and blog because I want to share my journey, my story with whomever wants to come a long. I hope to inspire people, even if its just one person. Perhaps, this space just becomes therapeutic to me. I'm embracing my life as a single mom trying to figure her shit out. I'm a yoga teacher, birth doula, holistic junkie, and a student working towards Midwifery. God willing one day I will own my own holistic wellness center for women to come and feel SAFE. You know drop in to have a baby, take a yoga class, or maybe just a pap smear. Don't forget to subscribe to my mailing list on the contact page. 


Quick Facts

- I have two beautiful boys Jay Jay & Jett

-I have my Bachelor of Arts in Economics with a Minor in Women's Studies from Chapman University

-I am a Registered Nurse working on my Masters in Nursing

-I am an Alpha Kappa Alpha woman

-I am very family oriented

-I love my friends

-I love to laugh

-I like eating candy or really anything sweet, I love to bake, I love to dream and work towards making those dreams a reality, I am a juice pluser, I love flowers (dahlias and peonies are my FAV!), going to the movies, visiting new places, and lots more!!!

Enjoy this piece of my world! Please leave comments and share! XOXO


Jordan Olivia

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